How Seven Simple Words Helped Me Achieve My Dream Career

Thomas Pfeiffer
3 min readJan 26, 2023

We often hear about the overnight success stories of individuals who have made it big in their careers.

However, what we don’t often hear about is the journey that led them to their success.

The truth is, the road to finding work we love is often a winding one, and it takes the guidance and support of others to stay on track.

I recently won the fight for finding work I love.

While I cannot identify one moment in particular that led to my success, I can pinpoint key moments when someone who cared about me said something that either helped me to continue on the right path or helped me to get back on it.

“Be proactive in connecting with the people who have the job you want.” Author Ryan Holiday has said on multiple occasions that the reason he reads so much is because in a matter of minutes he can learn about the lessons that took someone else years to learn. When it comes to creating a career you love, the same logic applies. There is no better way to get the job you want than by learning from the people who already have it.

In 2017, I fell in love with writing and coaching. In 2018, I fell in love with writers and coaches, and the latter is how I have managed to turn a hobby into a career.

This is for the simple fact that quality opportunities always come from taking the time to build quality relationships.

So this week, reach out to someone you admire who is doing the job you want.

You may be surprised just how powerful the 7 magic words “I want to do what you do” can be.

So if you meet the right people, tell them “I want to do what you do”. Those people will be happy to tell you their story. They will tell you the struggle and the chanllenges they took along the way.

By being proactive in connecting with people who are already doing the job we want, we can learn from their experiences, gain valuable insights, and even open doors to new opportunities.

Remember, networking is not just about finding a job, it’s about building relationships that can last a lifetime.

In conclusion, finding work we love takes time and effort.

But with the right guidance and support, we can make it happen.

So don’t be afraid to reach out to those who have already achieved success in the field you want to pursue. Their wisdom and experience can be invaluable in helping you achieve your own dream career.

P.S. If you’ve read the article, I would really appreciate if you could let me know how much you liked it through the number of claps! (You can clap up to 50 times.)

